That Blue Square Thing

Creative iMedia

R094 – Visual identity and digital graphics

This is a portfolio unit. It's worth 25% of the final mark for the course.

You'll be given the portfolio tasks when you're ready to do them. This should be after you've been taught about visual identity and the ways in which digital graphics are used.

The portfolio part of the unit is supposed to take 10–12 hours to complete. It is made up of two tasks.

Useful links:

These links might be helpful:

There is a collection of Photoshop and Illustrator icons you might find helpful for your write up.

Copyright free image sources – these are high quality images that can be downloaded and used effectively

Photoshop workshops – the skills I teach in Key Stage 3 classes. There are subpages, so use the left navbar

Vector Graphics workshop – again, from Key Stage 3 classes